A website of kEnDrix. Lance McKendrick is a pen name of Eoin Dunford. Shut up and dance. Girl afraid. Where do his intentions lay. New Permanency website rebaptised 26 January 2025.
I like the picture beneath. It portrays the Sweetie Mother Lady Zàrä. It is a picture of my apt in Dún Garbhán, Co. Phort Láirge, Éire. Eoin Dunford is ainm dom agus is ainm Gaelach atá ann. I am 44, m. I am a Catholic Christian Scriptural believer. I am open to all positive religion. I like pop and rock music and writing a little bit of poetry. I speak English, Irish, and French. I used to have the Scottish Gaelic too. I am delving into Cymraeg and I am also dabbling in learning some Deutsch and Nederlands.
Feel free to stumble across my primary website at eoindunford.com . Conas atá sibh ar aon chuma -- conas atá cúrsaí ag dul ar aghaidh don léitheoir? Ba mhian liom rud amháin a rá -- IMHO the following pithy is true. Love is the only religion or way of life worth talking about because where would we be (in a world) without love. There is no higher way than that of love. And God is love... he is all-good in himself and deserving of my respect and obedience. I smoke, I don't drink, I abhor things like that cursed demon, I'm now off the coffee and I am, thank God, reducing the tea. It is important to have hobbies: poetry and music and other forms of relaxing. However, there is a key to mental and spiritual wellness and I never realised this (unfortunately for me!) till I was introduced to it by spiritual mentors. Positive thinking and this is linked to worship of the Lord as well. Because you are what you think and I'd say that thinking --> attitude --> behaviour. Because negative thinking --> fearful attitude --> fearful behaviour while positive thinking --> positive attitude --> positive behaviour as well as an overall healthy outlook which worketh. I like the treatise The Imitation of Christ by Father Thomas À Kempis. I found a good online translation in September 2007. It is an edifying read, It is written most beautifully.
Peace be with you and your loved ones. Check out the lynx too.
If it's not love then it's the bomb that will bring us together --Smiths (one of my many favourite bands). Goodchild do chum
I like the picture beneath. It portrays the Sweetie Mother Lady Zàrä. It is a picture of my apt in Dún Garbhán, Co. Phort Láirge, Éire. Eoin Dunford is ainm dom agus is ainm Gaelach atá ann. I am 44, m. I am a Catholic Christian Scriptural believer. I am open to all positive religion. I like pop and rock music and writing a little bit of poetry. I speak English, Irish, and French. I used to have the Scottish Gaelic too. I am delving into Cymraeg and I am also dabbling in learning some Deutsch and Nederlands.
Feel free to stumble across my primary website at eoindunford.com . Conas atá sibh ar aon chuma -- conas atá cúrsaí ag dul ar aghaidh don léitheoir? Ba mhian liom rud amháin a rá -- IMHO the following pithy is true. Love is the only religion or way of life worth talking about because where would we be (in a world) without love. There is no higher way than that of love. And God is love... he is all-good in himself and deserving of my respect and obedience. I smoke, I don't drink, I abhor things like that cursed demon, I'm now off the coffee and I am, thank God, reducing the tea. It is important to have hobbies: poetry and music and other forms of relaxing. However, there is a key to mental and spiritual wellness and I never realised this (unfortunately for me!) till I was introduced to it by spiritual mentors. Positive thinking and this is linked to worship of the Lord as well. Because you are what you think and I'd say that thinking --> attitude --> behaviour. Because negative thinking --> fearful attitude --> fearful behaviour while positive thinking --> positive attitude --> positive behaviour as well as an overall healthy outlook which worketh. I like the treatise The Imitation of Christ by Father Thomas À Kempis. I found a good online translation in September 2007. It is an edifying read, It is written most beautifully.
Peace be with you and your loved ones. Check out the lynx too.
If it's not love then it's the bomb that will bring us together --Smiths (one of my many favourite bands). Goodchild do chum
eoindunford.com <--Full list of my Eoin websites available